Lorenza Beati

Curator of the U.S. National Tick Collection, Associate Professor · Georgia Southern University

Lorenza Beati's research focuses on the study of the taxonomy, evolutionary relationships, and population genetics of arthropods.

Hard-Ticks Ecology of the Swiss Alps Systematic Biology Arthropod Diversity Population Genetics of Arthropods

Stephen Rich

Professor of Microbiology and Director of the New England Center of Excellence in Vector-Borne Diseases (NEWVEC) · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Stephen Rich studies zoonotic diseases, with a focus on tick-borne diseases and human malaria. He is the director TickReport.

Vector-Borne Diseases Ticks and Tick Borne Diseases Parasitic diseases Malaria Research Zoonotic Diseases

Russell Burke

Professor of Biology · Hofstra University

Dr. Burke's current research involves diamondback terrapins at Jamaica Bay, wood turtles in northern NJ and the coyote invasion of LI

Urban Ecosystems Urban Environments Suburban Spaces and Development Ecology Evolution

Michael von Fricken

Associate Professor/Director · University of Florida

Michael von Fricken focuses on vector-borne disease surveillance, control, and pathogen discovery.

Global Health Security Emerging Infectious Diseases Vector-Borne Diseases One Health Epidemiology

Edward Walker

Professor of Entomology · Michigan State University

Edward Walker is an expert in emerging infectious diseases, landscape ecology and landscape risk analysis.

Landscape Risk Analysis Mosquitos Emerging Infectious Diseases Ladnscape Ecology

Marina Eremeeva

Professor, Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Environmental Health Sciences · Georgia Southern University

Expert in health sciences

Public Heath Laboratories Zoonotic and Emerging Diseases Epidemiology Biostatistics Environmental Health Sciences

Gregory Glass

Professor · University of Florida

Gregory Glass focuses on understanding infectious disease systems: the agents, hosts and environmental sources.

Medical Geography Global Health Microbiology & Immunology

Jose Vazquez, MD

Infectious Diseases · Augusta University

Dr. Jose Vazquez studies and treats infectious diseases, including COVID-19, antibiotic-resistant superbugs and fungal infections.

Coronavirus Translational Medicine in Infectious Diseases Drug-Resistant Infections (CREs, KPCs) Infectious Disease Clinical Trials Antimicrobials and Antifungals

Rosanna Perotti

Professor of Political Science · Hofstra University

Professor Perotti's expertise is in American politics, including Congress, elections and political parties.

American Politics Congress Media and Politics American Political Parties American Elections

Howard Russell

Entomologist · Michigan State University

Expert in entomology, specializing in diagnostic services

Insect Identification

Paulo Verardi, Ph.D.

Department Head and Associate Professor of Virology and Vaccinology · University of Connecticut

Expert on vaccine development & virology (Smallpox, Rinderpest, Zika, coronaviruses, Rift Valley, Powassan, SFTSV, Heartland, & more)

COVID-19 Mosquito-borne Diseases Tick-borne Diseases Zika Smallpox

Jessica Vapnek

Lecturer, Global Programs Advisor, and Director of the M.S.L. Program · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contacts: vapnekjessica@uchastings.edu

Agriculture and Natural Resource Law Legislative Drafting Rule of Law

Richard Himelfarb

Professor of Political Science · Hofstra University

Professor Himelfarb's scholarly interests and expertise include health care policy (Affordable Care Act), Congress and the presidency.

Political Science American Politics Affordable Care Act Health Care Policy Congress

Eva Buckner

Assistant Professor/State Extension Specialist · University of Florida

Eva Buckner researches mosquitoes and mosquito control efforts.

Mosquito Control Programs Mosquito-Borne Viruses Human Health Mosquitos Pesticides

David Godwin

Director · University of Florida

David Godwin researches fire ecology, from remote sensing assessments of burn severity to prescribed fire and forest carbon dynamics.

Wildfire Fire Science Fire Ecology Prescribed Fire

Jeffrey Morosoff

Associate Professor of Journalism, Media Studies, and Public Relations · Hofstra University

Associate Professor of Journalism, Media Studies, and Public Relations, Chair

Public Relations Crisis Communication Reputation Management Community & Government Relations Public relations campaigns

Meena Bose

Professor of Political Science, Executive Dean for Public Policy & Public Service Programs · Hofstra University

Dr. Meena Bose is Executive Dean of Hofstra University’s Peter S. Kalikow School of Government, Public Policy and International Affairs

Presidential Elections Presidential Campaigns Presidential Politics Presidential History

Keith Clay

Professor and chair of the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology · Tulane University

Clay is an expert on the ecological and evolutionary consequences of microbial symbiosis with higher plants and animals.

Cicadas Ticks

Sadie Ryan

Associate Professor · University of Florida

Sadie Ryan is a medical geographer and disease ecologist.

Climate-health Dengue Global change and disease Malaria Ticks

Brian Byrd

Professor · Western Carolina University

Brian Byrd's research focuses on domestic mosquito‐borne diseases, specifically La Crosse encephalitis.

Global Health Medical Entomology Epidemiology