Dawn Bowdish
Associate Professor, Pathology and Molecular Medicine · McMaster University
Understanding why changes in immunity that occur with age and how this predisposes us to infection and chronic inflammatory diseases.
Immunology Microbiome Immunosenescence Aging Immune System Pneumonia
Toufiq Reza, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor | Biomedical and Chemical Engineering and Sciences · Florida Tech
Dr. Reza's research interests involve converting wastes to biofuels.
Biomass Conversion Waste Valorization Waste to Energy Biomaterials Biofuels
Rip Gerber
Best-Selling Author, Musician and Innovationsist · Secret Equations, LLC
Founder, CEO, and Chief Location Officer
Mobile Leadership Creativity
Cathy Whitlock
Principal · Cathy Whitlock
Savvy speaker and panel moderator on the subjects of film, design and style
Cinema Style: Trends and Inspirations in the Movies Designs On Film: A Century of Production Design Design and the Golden Age of Hollywood Interior Design Specialties Decorators of the Past
Lindsay Levine
Associate Professor · Georgia Southern University
Lindsay Levine is an expert in consumer judgment and decision-making.
Social Cognition Marketing and Sales Consumer Behavior
Wayne Chung
Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Wayne Chung's research and work span medical systems and devices, robot design, consumer, and industrial products.
Consumer Products Robot Design Medical Devices and Systems Robotics and Autonomous Vehicles Industrial Products
Mark Prausnitz
Professor, Director of Center for Drug Design, Development, and Delivery, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE
Mark Prausnitz and his colleagues carry out research on biophysical methods of drug delivery.
Biotechnology Materials and Nanotechnology Biophysical Methods of Drug Delivery Complex Systems
Stacy Rosenberg
Associate Teaching Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Stacy Rosenberg contributes content for news media covering politics, political campaigns, crisis communication, and disinformation.
Politics Political Campaigns Crisis Communication Disinformation
Thomas Dietz
University Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Environmental Science and Policy (ESPP) · Michigan State University
Expert in climate change, human driving forces of environmental change, environmental values, environmental decision making
Ecology Environmental Policy Human driving forces of environmental change Climate Change