John Brownstein

Chief Innovation Officer · Boston Children's Hospital

John Brownstein's research is focused on predicting patterns of epidemics and pandemics, and the efficacy of disease control strategies.

Population Health Informatics Molecular Biology Program Management Epidemiology Public Health

Roger Thurow

Senior Fellow · The Chicago Council on Global Affairs

Pulitzer prize finalist with a wealth of experience writing about global food issues, hunger, poverty and international affairs

Africa Food Policy Agriculture Poverty Transmedia

Valerie Earnshaw

Associate Professor, Human Development and Family Sciences · University of Delaware

Prof. Earnshaw examines associations between stigma and health inequities.

Health Inequities Health Outcomes HIV Stigma AIDS Stigma Stigmatized Conditions‎

Aysegul Gunduz

Professor · University of Florida

Aysegul Gunduz is a biomedical engineer who works with neurosurgical patients and records brain signals to treat motor and mental disorders.

Artificial Intelligence Psychiatric Disorders Brain Mapping Brain-Computer Interfaces Neuromodulation

Christa Court

Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Christa Court is director of the UF/IFAS Economic Impact Analysis Program, which focuses on disaster impacts to the state of Florida.

Hurricane Effects on Florida Agriculture Economic Modeling Supply Chain Aquaculture Forestry

Lynn Adler

Professor of Biology · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Lynn Adler examines the interaction between flowers, pollinators and pathogens.

Pollinators Bees Floral Traits Plant-Animal Interactions Ecology and Evolution of Insect-Plant Interactions

Caryn Plummer

Professor/Interim Chair · University of Florida

Caryn Plummer deals with the diagnosis, treatment and understanding of diseases of the eye in veterinary species.

Canine Glaucoma Comparative Ophthalmology Corneal Wound Healing Equine Ophthalmology Equine Recurrent Uveitis

Pamela Gilbert

Professor · University of Florida

Pamela Gilbert’s current work focuses on the history of the body, medicine and literature in the 19th century.

British Literature Victorian Literature Medical Humanities

Russell Hepple

Professor · University of Florida

Russell Hepple's lab examines the mechanisms causing muscle atrophy and dysfunction with aging.

Aging Cancer Cachexia Mitochondria Muscle Atrophy Neuromuscular Junction

Professor Anne-Marie Bagnall

Professor · Leeds Beckett University

Anne-Marie Bagnall delivers training to internal and external learners on how to use and produce systematic reviews and meta-analyses.

Inequality Public Health Health Promotion Meta-Analysis Community Wellbeing

Adam Little

Mentor | CBASE · LifeLearn, Inc.

Adam is a veterinarian and entrepreneur with a passion for applying his diverse experience towards tackling big problems.

Global Health Dogs Epidemiology Animal Nutrition Community Outreach

Lorenza Beati

Curator of the U.S. National Tick Collection, Associate Professor · Georgia Southern University

Lorenza Beati's research focuses on the study of the taxonomy, evolutionary relationships, and population genetics of arthropods.

Hard-Ticks Ecology of the Swiss Alps Systematic Biology Arthropod Diversity Population Genetics of Arthropods

Chaney Stewman, M.D.

Director of Sports Medicine · ChristianaCare

Chaney Stewman, M.D. specializes in sports medicine at ChristianaCare.

Sports Medicine Sports Medicine Acupuncture Acupuncture Integrative Health

Nicole Peritore, PhD

Assistant Professor · Augusta University

Nicole Peritore is an assistant professor of kinesiology in the College of Education and Human Development at Augusta University.

Food Insecurity Health Promotion Healthy Living Community Health

Brent Reynolds

Professor · University of Florida

Brent Reynolds has been working with regenerative medicine for more than 30 years, with a focus on neural and cancer stem cells.

Cell Replacement Strategies Neural Stem Cells Cancer Stem Cells Cannabinoids Traditional Chinese Medicine

Edik Rafailov

Professor (Research), AIPT · Aston University

Professor Rafailov's research interests include CW and ultrashort-pulse lasers; generation of light from UV to THz and biomedical photonics.

Biomedical Photonics Nanostructures Ultrashort-Pulse Lasers Photonics THz Radiation

Staja Booker

Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Staja Booker is an expert in racial disparities and health equity in pain management in Black/African American older adults.

Health Equity Black/African American with Chronic Pain Chronic Pain in Older Adults Chronic Pain Osteoarthritis

Danith Ly

Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Danith Ly's research is focused on the design and development of molecular tools and reagents to regulate gene expression.

Stem Cells Reagents Molecular Tools Tissue Engineering Cellular Origins of Cancer

Aarti Singh

Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Aarti Singh researches machine learning, statistics and signal processing, focusing on algorithms for learning and decision making.

Digital Twins Human Factors in Decision Making Autonomous Decision Making Machine Learning Signal Processing

Neil Jasani, M.D., MBA, FACEP

Chief Clinical Officer · ChristianaCare

Dr. Jasani provides oversight for iLEAD (Institute for Learning, Leadership and Development) and Human Resources

Human Resources Graduate and Undergraduate Medical Education Learning Organizational Development