Rebecca Frazer

Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Rebecca Frazer is a media psychology researcher, focusing on how people process and respond to story-form/narrative media.

Media and Public Policy Attitudes Humanization in Media Moral Psychology Narrative Media Media Psychology

Siobhan Malany

Associate Professor · University of Florida

Siobhan Malany studies the effects of microgravity on human muscle biology using an automated tissue chip system.

Space Age-related Msucle Atrophy Drug Discovery and Screening Space Medicine Human Muscle Biology

Olexandr Isayev

Assistant Professor, Chemistry · Carnegie Mellon University

Olexandr Isayev's research focuses on solving fundamental chemical problems with machine learning, molecular modeling and quantum mechanics.

Theoretical Chemistry Computational Chemistry Machine Learning Cheminformatics Drug Discovery

Laura Vandenberg

Professor of Environmental Health Sciences · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Laura Vandenberg looks at how exposures to plastics, and other chemicals especially early in life, can predispose individuals to diseases.

Plastics and Human Health Endocrine Disruptors Plastic Exposure Developmental Biology Hazard Assessment

Douglas J. Casa, Ph.D.

CEO-Korey Stringer Institute, Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor, Department of Kinesiology · University of Connecticut

Focused on prevention of sudden death in sport, exertional heat stroke, wearable technologies, hydration, and performance in the heat

Elite Atheletes Hydration/Dehydration Fluid-Electrolyte Balance Exertional Heat Illnesses Wearable Technologies

Edward Ewen, M.D.

Director of Clinical Data and Analytics · ChristianaCare

Clinical Performance Improvement Business Intelligence Machine Learning Clinical Informatics Data Warehousing

Dr Lucy Bastin

Reader, Computer Science · Aston University

Dr. Bastin specializes in spatio-temporal environmental analysis and semantic interoperability for data, models & metadata

Data Analytics Software Engineering Engineering Applied Sciences

David W. Stewart, Ph.D.

Emeritus President's Professor of Marketing, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University

Educational Administration Consumer Behavior Product Management Marketing Strategy and Communication Marketing and Public Policy

Timothy Verstynen

Associate Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Timothy Verstynen's research focuses on how our brains allow us to explore our environments and learn from experience.

Cognitive Neuroscience Cognitive Science Computational Learning Science

Lance Hunter, PhD

Professor of Political Science · Augusta University

Dr. Lance Hunter studies the connection between terrorism and political stability in democracies.

Politics Terrorism International Relations Voting Civil Liberties

Bridget Ross

CEO · ChroniSense Medical

Bridget Ross is a medical devices and pharmaceutical industry expert offering strategic advice and cross-functional team leadership.

Business Strategy Commercialization General Surgery Urology Digital Health

Robyn Bluhm

Professor · Michigan State University

Robyn Bluhm's research and teaching focus on the intersection of neuroscience and medicine.

Sharon Austin

Professor · University of Florida

Sharon Wright Austin’s teaching and research interests are in American government, urban politics and African American politics.

Southern Politics African American Politics Urban Politics

Douglas Kelley

Professor of Mechanical Engineering · University of Rochester

Douglas Kelley studies the performance of liquid metal batteries.

Mixing in Metals Casting Liquid Metal Batteries Grid-Scale Energy Storage Fluid Dynamics of the Brain's Waste Removal System Coherent Structures in Reactive Mixing

Shobha Gurung

Professor of Sociology · Southern Utah University

Specializes in gender and labor, comparative family and community, migration, globalization, and transnationalism, and civic engagement.

Global Civic Citizenship Human Rights and Social Justice Gender and Labor Studies Immigrant, Migrant, and Refugee Community Gender and Society

Dr Felipe Campelo

Senior Lecturer, Computer Science · Aston University

Dr Campelo works in data science. He creates solution pipelines integrating data mining, optimisation and multicriteria decision support.

Optimisation Computational Intelligence Data Mining Data Science

Treena Wynes

Wellness Warrior · Food4Thought

Wellness Warrior, Counsellor & Author

Eating Disorders Self-Esteem Stress Management Mental Health Health and Wellness

Gregg Murray, PhD

Professor of Political Science · Augusta University

Murray's research focuses on political behavior and psychology with specific interests in voter mobilization.

Government Responses to COVID-19 Research Methods Political Behavior U.S. Government Public Opinion

Kara Dixon Vuic

LCpl. Benjamin W. Schmidt Professor of War, Conflict, and Society in 20th-Century America · Texas Christian University

Prof. Vuic writes about women, gender, and the US military.

War, Gender and the U.S. Military 20th Century United States Social, Cultural, and Gender History World Wars Women and the Military War and Society

Martha Paynter

Registered Nurse, President of the Board · Wellness Within

Access to abortion, prison abolition, criminalization and reproductive health

Health Services Management Feminist Health Advocacy Childbirth Breastfeeding Pain Management