Stanley Gehrt

Associate Professor & Wildlife Extension Specialist I Agricultural and Environmental Sciences · The Ohio State University

Dr. Stanley Gehrt operates within the School of Environment and Natural Resources in the Terrestrial Wildlife Ecology Laboratory.

Wildlife Conservation Wildlife Research Urban Wildlife Mammalian Ecology Wildlife Disease

Dr. Ronald Blanton

Chair of Tropical Medicine, · Tulane University

Dr. Ronald Blanton is a physician-scientist who can speak about the global public health risks of COVID-19 and water-borne disease research.

COVID-19 Monitoring Task Force COVID-19 Community-based antimicrobial resistance Schistosomiasis Parasitic diseases

Kate Hong

Associate Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Kate Hong's research is in understanding the organization and function of neural circuits that underlie sensory-guided behaviors.

Behavioral Methods Characterization of Neural Circuits Computational, Mathematical & Statistical Methods Diseases & Disorders Physiological & Anatomical Methods

Colin Burke, PT, DPT, LSVT

Physical Therapist · ChristianaCare

Colin Burke, PT, DPT, LSVT, provides patient care at ChristianaCare’s Wilmington Hospital Inpatient Rehabilitation Center.

Physical Therapy Neurological Rehabilitation Orthopedic Rehabilitation Prosthetic Training Spinal Cord Injury

David Ostrov

Associate professor · University of Florida

Dr. David Ostrov is an expert on immunology, structural biology, and drug discovery in the areas of cancer therapeutics.

Covid Autoimmunity Drug Discovery T cell immunobiology Immunology

Michael Brodie

Visiting Scholar Harvard University · Harvard University

Michael Brodie is an expert in research and industrial practice in data science and databases.

Data Science Databases Multi-Disciplinary Problem Solving Industrial Practice Distributed Systems

Dennis Cheek

Abell-Hanger Professor of Gerontological Nursing · Texas Christian University

Dr. Cheek's interest include women and cardiovascular disease, pharmacogenomics and cortisol measurement.

Cortisol Measurement Endothelial Dysfunction Cardiovascular Disease Pharmacogenomics

Charli Carpenter

Professor of Political Science and Director of Human Security Lab · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Charli Carpenter's teaching and research interests include the protection of civilians, laws of war and humanitarian affairs.

International Relations World Politics Children Born of War Global Issue Networks Laws of War

David Fuller

Professor · University of Florida

David Fuller is a professor in the department of physical therapy who directs a research laboratory in the McKnight Brain Institute.

Motor Neurons Pompe Disease Spinal Cord Breathing Respiratory Muscles

Juan Perilla

Assistant Professor · University of Delaware

Juan Perilla develops physical and chemical based methodologies for the understanding of biological process related to life and disease

Computational Physics Computational Chemistry Data Science Machine Learning Molecular Virology

Steven Weisberg

Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Steven Weisberg studies the cognitive neuroscience of human spatial navigation, why people differ, and how to improve spatial behavior.

Memory Aging Cognitive Neuroscience Virtual Reality Spatial Navigation

Shannon Manning

MSU Foundation Associate Professor · Michigan State University

Expert in Microbial Pathogenesis and Molecular Epidemiology

Coronavirus Molecular Epidemiology Microbiology Escherichia coli Group B Streptococcus

Dr Gary Brickley

Senior Lecturer in Sports · University of Brighton

He has explored fitness performance in sportsmen and sportswomen more generally - including the performance of para-athletes.

Paddle-boarding Physiology Cardiovascular Disease Exercise Sports

Roy Curtiss

Professor · University of Florida

Roy Curtiss designs and constructs vaccines to protect farm animals and humans against diseases caused by bacteria, viruses and parasites.

Antimicrobial Resistance Bacterial Pathogens Design, Construction and Evaluation of Vaccines Gene Flow and Evolution Genetics

Steven Raymond

Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Dr. Steven Raymond is an expert in neonatal surgery, pyloric stenosis, appendicitis, cholelithiasis, chest wall deformities, and more.

Chest Wall Deformities Esophageal Atresia Hirschsprung's Disease Appendicitis Pediatric Robot Surgery

Babak Baban, PhD

Associate Dean for Research, Dental College of Georgia · Augusta University

Babak Baban, PhD, is a professor, immunologist and associate dean for research at the Dental College of Georgia at Augusta University.

Cannabidiol (CBD) Oral Biology Lung Cancer

Kari Sampsel

Medical Director, Sexual Assault and Partner Abuse Care Program, Attending Staff Emergency Physician · The Ottawa Hospital, Department of Emergency Medicine & University of Ottawa

Emergency Medicine, Sexual Assault and Partner Abuse Clinician, Educator and Advocate

Emergency Medicine Sexual Assault Domestic Violence Intimate Partner Violence Sexual Assault Awareness

Dr. David Becnel

Associate Professor · Tulane University

Dr. Becnel is an expert in internal medicine, pulmonary disease and critical care medicine.

Lungs Pulmonary Disease COVID-10 (Coronavirus) Clinical Medicine Internal Medicine

Michael Mullan

Biomedical researcher · Roskamp Institute

A biomedical researcher of the beta amyloid protein and its relation to Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer's Disease

Afsar Ali

Research Associate Professor · University of Florida

Afsar Ali researches disease spillover from environment to humans and how to mitigate cholera and diarrheal diseases.

Diarrheal Disease Cholera Algal Blooms Flesh Eating Bacteria Environmental Disasters