John BaRoss

President - Marketing Business Development, Americas · Iksula Online Solutions

Strategic Development eCommerce: Reaching Larger Addressible Markets

Ewallets Ecommerce Bpo/Kpo

Alan Adler

President/CEO · Alan Adler Associates Inc.

Being Extraordingary to Succeed in Today's NEW NOW!

Attracting & Retaining Customers

Itzik Amiel

Business Networking Award-winning Public speaker & Bestselling Author

GLOBAL LEADING AUTHORITY ON NETWORKING AND RELATIONSHIP CAPITAL | International Professional Speaker | Best Selling Author | Business Mentor

'The Art of Attentional Networking™: Win Business and Influence People' 'The Power of Connections: Expand & Grow' 'Attentional Leadership™: Become A Trusted Adviser' 'Powerful Communication: Verbal and Non-Verbal' 'Powerful Connections: for Women'

Steven Masur

Senior Partner · MasurLaw

Senior Partner at MasurLaw

Hugh Williams-Preece

Managing Director · Running Events

Using the achievement of running 50 Marathons in 50 Days, inspires audiences to set audacious goals in both work & play.

Inspirational Speaking Endurance Challenges

Bryna Kranzler

Publisher; Author · Crosswalk Press

Approachable, attractive speaker who uses humor to motivate and make her points

The Art of Optimism The Perks of Procrastination

Jay Baughan

Specialist Engagement & Intervention Consultant, Facilitator and Public Speaker · Jaysco Limited

People Factor Guy

Ekaterina Walter

Chief Marketing Officer · WOMMA - Word of Mouth Marketing Association

Social Innovator, Author, Speaker

Social Media Marketing Strategy Relationship Building Word of Mouth Marketing Facebook

Alfred Poor

America's Success Mentor for Young Employees · Alfred Poor, Speaker and Writer

Career Skills Success Expert for College and Corporate Audiences

College Next-Gen

Mark Germanos

President · Mark Anthony Germanos, Ltd.

Mark Anthony Germanos uses Internet tools to help your ideal customers find you. See

Swot Social Media SEO

Pamela Starr

Keynote Speaker & Business Consultant ·

Leading Authority on Customer Loyalty

Franchise Leadership Keynote Speaking Social Media Marketing Online Marketing for Nonprofits Event Marketing

Esther Lim

CEO and Chief Experience Architect · The Estuary, LLC

Passionately exploring the convergence of social media, storytelling, big data and emerging tech in marketing and digital entertainment

Transmedia Storytelling Digital Narratives: Co-Created Storyworld Communities Social Media Analytics Big Data Narrative Gamification

Jonathan Foster

Law Clerk · Orleans Parish Civil District Court

Estate Law Attorney

Relationship Building

Eric Weaver

CEO · Transparent Path

Bringing IoT, blockchain and AI together to reduce risk, loss and waste in the food supply.

Social Business Consumer Behavior Social Media Social Media Analytics Big Data Analytics

John Naples


John Naples brings infectious energy, customized content & practical techniques. Your audience will be challenged, equipped and empowered!

Sales Strategy Coaching for High Performance Building A Leadership Culture Empowerment & Motivation Negotiating

Michael Brown

Talk Show Host, Author, Speaker · The Blue Cell; iHeartMedia

An insider's view of homeland security, politics, and personal redemption that can be used in everyone's life at any time.

Homeland Security Politics Public Policy Media Leadership

Keith Smith

Survivor of a childhood stranger abduction rape · Author, "Men in My Town"

Speaker on sexual abuse prevention and childhood sexual trauma.

Sexual Violence Sex Abuse Survivors Child Sexual Abuse Child Sex Abuse Trauma Child Sex Abuse Prevention

Joan Moran

Keynote Speaker · eSpeakers, Women Speakers Association, Toastmasters

Joan offers an innovative platform that builds healthy mental habits by stretching the mind at any age.

Work/Life Balance Power of Mental Stretching Decision Making/Leadersnip

Josephine Fairley

Co-Founder · Green & Black's

Entrepreneur and branding expert who co-founded Green & Black's chocolate - the world's first global Fairtrade brand

Entrepreneurialism Ethical Business Women in Business Branding Business Success

Jonathan Wilson

CEO · Soul Systems

Inspiring & leading edge content how to lead large-scale transformation, drawn from life and work among tribes, warlords and executives.

Leadership Organizational Soul Collaboration Team Purpose