Tom Tresser

Co-Founder · The CivicLab

Creativity champion. Civic educator. Public defender.

Non-Profits Research Public Speaking Social Change Creativity

Nadja Bester

Digital Brand and Communications Ninja · Various international online media and communications companies

Digital Brand and Content Marketing Jedi

Digital & Mobile Strategy Digital Activism Digital Marketing & Lead Generation Digital Marketing & Strategy Digital Marketing & Advertising

Roxanne Mykitiuk

Associate Professor, Osgoode Hall Law School · York University

Roxanne Mykitiuk investigates the legal, ethical and social implications of assisted reproductive and genetic technologies.

Health Law Disability Law Feminist Legal Theory Family Law Genetics and the Law

Jim Long

Principal and Founder, Verge New Media; NBC News Media Disruptor/Content Creator · Verge New Media

Cooking instructions: Add one part new media soul with one part old media body, stir gently, and enjoy a media disruptor / content creator!

Social Media Journalism New Media Technology & Tools Digital Media Strategies Social Media and Brand Management Emerging Technologies