Heidi Hancock, CFRE
Virtual Faculty · Mosaic Non-Profit Development
Committed to helping you create sustainable change
Nonprofit Consulting Coaching Fundraising
Melanie Lang
CBase Director · Centre for Business and Social Entrepreneurship
Melanie Lang is the director of CBaSE and has a wealth of knowledge on marketing and communications.
Higher Education University of Guelph Public Speaking Data Analysis Teaching
Douglas M. Brugge, Ph.D., M.S.
Professor and Chair, Department of Public Health Sciences · University of Connecticut
Professor Brugge is an expert in occupational and environmental health.
Health Communication Asthma Wildfires Air Quality Environmental Health
murad abusalim
Interim Coordinator of the Architecture Program · University of Texas at Brownsville
Interim Coordinator of the Architecture Program at University of Texas at Brownsville
Architectural Design Architecture Teaching Land Use Management and Planning Community Development
Cyndy Caravelis
Professor · Western Carolina University
Cyndy Caravelis's research interests include the relationship between social threat and social control, and minorities and crime.
Minorities and Crime Social Justice Criminology Criminal Justice Criminal Justice Policy
Daniel Cornfield
Professor of Sociology · Vanderbilt University
Expert in the American labor movement, the creative class, and work and occupation issues generally.
labor & employment Creative Class Unionization Labor Unions Musicians
Matthew Robinson
Professor, Sport Management · University of Delaware
Prof. Robinson is an expert on international sport development.
Coaching Sports as a Diplomatic Tool International Sports Governance U.S. Sports Model Olympics
Janet Lenaghan
Dean, Frank G. Zarb School of Business, Professor of Management and Entrepreneurship · Hofstra University
Dean, The Walter H. "Bud" Miller Distinguished Professor in Business and Professor of Management and Entrepreneurship
Human Resource Management Employee Benefits Recruitment
Antonia Darder
Professor Emeritus · Loyola Marymount University
Department of Educational Leadership and Administration
Latino Education Social Justice Language Rights
Sabreena Ghaffar-Siddiqui
Professor, Sociologist & Researcher, DEI Expert · Sheridan College
DEI, Social Inequality; Immigration; Integration; Refugees; Racism; Islamophobia; Deviance; Radicalization; Terrorism; Hate Crimes.
Sociology Social Activism Politics Global Media and Culture Immigration and Ethnicity Immigration and Citizenship
Wayne Elsey
Head Coach/CEO · Elsey Enterprises
Head Coach/CEO of Elsey Enterprises
Public Speaking Public Relations Marketing Strategy Non-Profit Marketing Nonprofit Leadership
Tania Fleischer
Senior Lecturer and Applied Instructor of Music (Piano) and Director, Chamber Ensembles and Orchestra · Loyola Marymount University
Senior Lecturer and Applied Instructor of Music (Piano) and Director, Chamber Ensembles and Orchestra
Arts Education and Outreach Orchestral Conducting Piano Chamber Music Arts Programming
Tanya Harrison
Fellow · Outer Space Institute
Professional Martian who has worked on rocks and robots on the Red Planet.
Space and Astrophysics Climate Change Satellite Based Remote Sensing of the Earth/atmosphere System Earth Science Women in STEM Careers
David Sapp
Professor, Dean of Graduate Education, & Vice Provost for Academic Affairs · Loyola Marymount University
Department of Educational Leadership and Administration
Administration in Higher Education Feminist Theory and Pedagogy Civic Engagement and Social Justice Rhetoric and Organizational Communication Service Learning and Community-Based Teaching