Daniel Strachman

Managing Director · HEDGEAnswers

Expeienced, dynamic speaker that connects Walll Street to Main Street

Hedge Funds Investment Products Wall Street/Investing

Richard Batchelor

Principal · Richard Batchelor

Experienced enthusiastic speaker on change management & the need for it!

Understanding the Need for Change Management Managing the Impact of Business Change On the People People

Jose Coronado

Senior Director of User Experience · Automatic Data Processing - ADP

Senior Transformation and Innovation Leader in Product and User Experience

Innovation Transformation User Experience

Maria Viola Sanchez, Ph.D.

Public Trustee · Fielding Graduate University

Background in Clinical Psychology, Communications and Human Resources; currently a doctoral student in Media Psychology at Fielding

Communications Media Psychology

Michael Trow

Owner · Michael Trow Enterprises LLC

Sales Consultant | Coach | Trainer | Speaker | Marketing Adviser | Wine Appreciator | Dog Lover

Marketing Strategy Sales Process Lead Generation

Rick McCutcheon

President · Full Contact CRM

Rick McCutcheon is a much sought after expert and though leader on the subject of Sales Productivity and CRM. Rick has been involved with th

Power Selling With Crm and Social Media Planning for Crm Success Managing Customer Prospects and Partner Relationships

Paraskevi Goggolidou

Lecturer · The Open University

Enthusiastic, interactive speaker that relates every day experiences to Human Disease.

Human Disease Public Health Genetics

Jack Schneider

Dwight W. Allen Distinguished Professor of Education and Director of Beyond Test Scores Project · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Jack Schneider studies what is effective and important in education with a particular interest in looking beyond standardized test scores.

Educational Assessment Standardized Tests Standardized Testing Measuring School Quality

Brian Hartlen

Vice President, Marketing · Varicent Software

High-Tech Marketing Executive

AnastasIa Valentine

CEO · Sandbox PM

Encouraging Entrepreneurs, Passionate Employees and Business Leaders to take BIG steps and make BOLD moves!

Crowdfunding Crowdsourcing Social Product Management Work Life Balance - Balance is Not an Act

Brynn Winegard

Principal · Winegard & Company

Principal at Winegard & Company LLC

New Product Development Marketing Strategy Neuromarketing Neuromanagement

Carol Motycka

Clinical Professor/Assistant Dean · University of Florida

Carol Motycka's research interests include substance abuse, obesity and interprofessional education in pharmacy care.

Gastrointestinal Disorders Weight Loss Management Substance Use Disorders Safe Storage of Medications

Jason Flick

CEO · YOU i Labs + Flick Software

Experienced, dynamic speaker on both enterprise and personal mobile device uses.

Mobile Devices and the Cloud

Michael Jecks

Partner · Michael Jecks Partnership

Experienced speaker, presenter, motivator and novelist for business or literary functions.

Writing Crime Stories in Today's Market Writing Series Novels The Knights Templar and Medieval England History of Computing Effects of Drug Prohibition

Joshua Waldman

CEO and Founder · Career Enlightenment

Author of Job Searching With Social Media For Dummies | Speaker | VP Communications

Social Media Blogger Outreach

Julie Schoenfeld

CEO · Perfect Market, Inc.

Electric speaker who tells it like it is in start ups today

Entrepreneurship High Performance At Work How to Raise Capital

Chris Thomas

Meeting and Workshop Facilitator and Hands-on Coach · Chris Thomas Associates

Speaker and workshop leader on the links between personal and professional development

Group and Workshop Facilitation Meeting Facilitation Executive Coaching Personal Development and Your Career Values and Ethics in the Workplace

Mark Dennis

President · A1A Wealth Management, Inc.

Engaging speaker who excels at simplifying personal and small business financial topics

Retirement Income Small Business Finance Social Security

Deb Kalmbach

President · Real Hope for Real Life Ministries

Engaging, vibrant speaker who gives hope and practical solutions for difficult relationships.

Difficult Relationships (Marriage) Surviving A Spouse's Alcoholism Personal and Spiritual Growth

Kristy J. Sammis

Founder, Chief Operating Officer · Clever Girls Collective

Founder @ Clever Girls; Social Media Leader, TEDx Speaker & Entrepreneur

Blogging Social Media Marketing Social Media Influencer Marketing Entrepreneurism