Eric Kirby

Assistant Professor of Management and Business Law · Southern Utah University

Specializing in management, leadership, generational nuances (Gen Z), student success strategies, business law, and student retention

Student Retention in Higher Education Employee Development and Retention Management Generation Z Leadership

Hal Herzog

Professor Emeritus · Western Carolina University

Hal Herzog has been investigating the complex psychology of our interactions with other species for more than two decades.

Animal Ethics Animal Welfare Human Sexuality Biological Psychology Animal Sciences

Adilifu Nama

Professor of African American Studies · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Black Representation in Film and Television afrofuturism SciFi Film Prince comics

Claudia Buchmann

Professor and Chair | Department of Sociology · The Ohio State University

Expert in gender, race and class from a sociological perspective.

Social Stratification Education Gender Race and Ethnicity Comparative and International Sociology

Barry Adams

SEO Consultant · Polemic Digital

Founder at Polemic Digital, Co-Chief Editor at State of Digital

SEO Digital Marketing Google Adwords Digital Marketing Strategy Ecommerce

Paula M. Uruburu

Professor Emerita of English · Hofstra University

Professor Uruburu researches the Gothic and the Grotesque, the Gilded Age, and film history (genre, auteur, adaptation).

Film Anniversaries Celebrity Culture Pop Culture Film History Gender Studies

Mark Caleb Smith, Ph.D.

Professor of Political Science · Cedarville University

Dr. Smith is an expert in American politics, campaigns & elections, and constitutional law.

Constitutional Law Presidential Politics Presidential Campaigns

Victoria Lorient-Faibish MEd, CCC, BCPP

Keynote Speaker/Holistic Psychotherapist//Relationship Expert/Life and Wellness Coach · MassEnergy

Keynote Speaker/Holistic Psychotherapist//Relationship Expert/Life and Wellness Coach

The Ultimate Holistic Anti-Anxiety Workshop Relationships Boundaries Transform the Inner Bully Into A Supportive Coach

Huaxia Rui

Professor, Xerox Chair of Computer and Information Systems · University of Rochester

Huaxia Rui conducts research on topics related to social media, health IT, and optimal contract design.

Data Science Social Media Analytics Health IT Optimal Contract Design Healthcare Economics

Anandhi Bharadwaj

Goizueta Endowed Chair in Electronic Commerce and Professor of Information Systems & Operations Management · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Information systems expert bringing a wide range of development and executive training experience to the classroom.

Business Model Evolution Digital Business Strategy Internet commerce Business value of IT Digital Transformation

Julie McCown

Associate Professor of English · Southern Utah University

Specializing in early American natural history, post-humanism, and digital humanities theory

Artifical Intelligence Ecocriticism Race and Nature in Early American Literature Early American Novels Composition

Robert S. Young

Professor · Western Carolina University

Robert S. Young is a licensed professional geologist in three states (FL, NC, SC).

Holocene landscape evolution in the southern Appalachians Wetlands Coastal Management Coastal Processes Hurricanes

Doug Williamson

President and Chief Executive Officer · The Beacon Group

A bold thinker and dynamic speaker, with extensive global experience, who can provide unique insights into today's business challenges.

Megatrends & Seismic Shifts - Coping With the New Reality Leading Through Chaos & Disruption Innovation & Design Thinking Global Leadership in A Modern World Science of Strategic Thinking

Richard Petty

Professor | Department of Psychology · The Ohio State University

Distinguished psychologist, revolutionizing understanding of prejudice, consumer choice, political and legal decisions, and health behavior

Social Psychology Attitudes & Persuasion Social Cognition Decision-Making

Dionne Wright Poulton

Author · Archway Publishing

Dr. Dionne Wright Poulton, PhD, MA, BEd, BA

Diversity and Inclusion Education Author

Susan Mackey-Kallis, PhD

Professor of Communication | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University

Susan Mackey-Kallis, PhD, is an expert in film analysis and commentary, particularly in regard to pop culture.

Communication Political Rhetoric Gender, Media and Pop Culture American Film

Michael Hamblin, PhD

Principal Investigator, Wellman Center for Photomedicine at Massachusetts General Hospital · Associate Professor, Dermatology, Harvard Medical School

Dr. Hamblin's research interests are now broadly in the area of phototherapy for multiple diseases

Microscopy Molecular Biology Photomedicine Flourescence Microscopy Biotechnology

Lori Wilkinson

Professor of Sociology · University of Manitoba

Professor of Sociology, specializing in immigration and refugee studies and survey methods

Research Methods Race and Ethnic Relations Settlement Integration Youth and School-To-Work Transitions

Amira Elghawaby

Communications Director · The National Council of Canadian Muslims

Amira Elghawaby leads the NCCM’s media relations, public engagement and strategic communications.

Ethnic Media & Diversity Anti-discrimination Civic Engagement Human Rights Civil Rights

John T. Harvey

Professor · Texas Christian University

Dr. Harvey's research focuses on exchange rates, business cycles, and contemporary economic schools of thought.

Contemporary Economic Schools of Thought Macroeconomics Exchange Rates Business Cycles