Divya Victor

Associate Professor of Literary Studies · Michigan State University

Divya Victor’s writing, editing, and research focuses on 20th century, 21st century, and emergent poetry and poetics.

Poetics Emergent Poetry 21st Century Poetry 20th Century Poetry

Professor Vini Lander

Professor of Race and Education and Director of the Centre for Race, Education and Decoloniality · Leeds Beckett

Her research examines race inequalities in education, specifically in teacher education.

Race and Racism Teacher Education Inequalities in Education Diversity British Values in School

Frank Bucaro

President · Frank C. Bucaro and Associates, Inc.

America's leading advocate for Ethics in Business by integrating ethical standards of excellence to solid business practices.

Business Ethics Values Based Leadership Moral Leadership Building an Environment of Trust Ethical Leadership

Melissa Avdeeff

Assistant Professor · Coventry University

Popular culture, specialising in pop music; music technology and society; social media and fandom.

Artifical Intelligence and music Popular Music Popular Culture Music Technology and Society Fandom

Ben Depoorter

Distinguished Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law

Email: depoorter@uchastings.edu / 415-565-4675 / Office 208-198

Copyright Law Property Law Law and Economics Intellectual Property International Intellectual Property Law

Layla A. Karst

Associate Professor of Liturgical Theology · Loyola Marymount University

Department of Theological Studies | Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Al Etmanski

President and Co-Founder – Planned Lifetime Advocacy Network (PLAN) · Social Innovation Generation

No money will change hands, but you are sure to profit from the social innovation wisdom of Planned Lifetime Advocacy Network's Co-Founder

Social Finance Social Entrepreneurship Human Rights

Holly Chang

Curator · Middlebrook Prize Winners

Holly Chang is an emerging artist, curator and researcher from Toronto, Ontario.

Photography Art

Meredith David, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Marketing · Baylor University

Dr. David focuses on marketing strategies with an exploration of new technologies.

Strategic Planning Marketing Marketing and Communications Consumer Preferences Well-Being

Dr Rachel Shaw

Reader, School of Psychology · Aston University

Dr Shaw studies the synthesis of diverse evidence and the use of different ways of knowing in healthcare practice.

Qualitative Research Health Psychology Methodology Dementia Body Dysmorphia

Dr Anton Popov

Senior Lecturer, Sociology and Policy · Aston University

Dr Popov's research interest is in social anthropology, with a particular focus on postsocialist societies.

Social Anthropology Postsocialist Societies Cultural Heritage Identity and Transnationalism Youth Culture

Eric Kirby

Assistant Professor of Management and Business Law · Southern Utah University

Specializing in management, leadership, generational nuances (Gen Z), student success strategies, business law, and student retention

Student Retention in Higher Education Employee Development and Retention Management Generation Z Leadership

Leela Viswanathan

Associate Professor, Department of Planning and Geography · Queen's University

Leela Viswanathan teaches topics about social planning, planning history, qualitative research methods, and urban geography.

Urban Geography Qualitative Research Methods Indigenous-Municipal Relations in Planning Social Planning University-Community Engagement

Manisha Sinha, Ph.D.

Draper Chair in American History · University of Connecticut

Dr. Sinha is an expert in Civil War and Reconstruction

Feminism Abolition Slavery

M. Francyne Huckaby

Associate Provost of Faculty Affairs · Texas Christian University

Dr. Huckaby is professor, associate provost of Faculty Affairs and executive director of the Koehler Center at Texas Christian University.

Feminism and Research Philosophy & Education Film as Research Education and Equity Women and Gender Studies

Jayanta Gupta, M.D., Ph.D.

Expert in epidemiology · Florida Gulf Coast University

Jayanta Gupta explores the genetic and environmental risk factors behind chronic health conditions, including allergic and kidney diseases.

Molecular Epidemiology Allergic Diseases Atopic Dermatitis Asthma Chronic Kidney Disease

Micki McElya, Ph.D.

Professor of History · University of Connecticut

Professor McElya is an expert in the histories of women, gender, sexuality, and race in the U.S., with a focus on politics and memory.

U.S. Cultural and Political History Women & Gender Sexuality & LGBTQ History Feminist Theory Queer Theory

James A. Roberts, Ph.D.

The Ben H. Williams Professor of Marketing · Baylor University

Expert on consumer behavior, compulsive buying & the impact of smartphone and social media use on well-being

Consumer Psychology Consumer Behavior Marketing Consumer Culture Materialism

Victoria Lorient-Faibish MEd, CCC, BCPP

Keynote Speaker/Holistic Psychotherapist//Relationship Expert/Life and Wellness Coach · MassEnergy

Keynote Speaker/Holistic Psychotherapist//Relationship Expert/Life and Wellness Coach

The Ultimate Holistic Anti-Anxiety Workshop Relationships Boundaries Transform the Inner Bully Into A Supportive Coach

Rachel C. Boyle

Dean of School · Leeds Beckett University

Rachel C. Boyle is the Head of Interdisciplinary Studies in the Carnegie School of Education, Leeds Beckett University.

Critical Race Theory Inequality Education Ethnicity Race