My (Myla) Bui, Ph.D.
Professor of Marketing, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University
Neuroplasticity Social Marketing Public Policies Promoting Consumer Wellness Nutritional Labeling Healthcare Management & Innovation
Brian Parsley
President · WeSkill
Interested in building your brand? Want to improve sales, employee & customer loyalty? Let a Top 40 Executives Under 40 winner be your guide
Executive Coaching Sales Management Team Building Customer Relations Coaching
James Gardner
Healthcare Marketing Strategist, Startup Advisor & Angel Investor | Topline Partners · OHO Interactive
James Gardner is a digital sales and marketing leader with 20 years of B2C and B2B experience.
Heathcare Digital Marketing Consumer Goods Management Strategy Consulting
Jay Goldman
Vice President, Innovation and Emerging Channels · Klick Health
Klick Health's VP spearheads improvements and innovations in user experience that are designed to expand the human side of technology
Digital Strategy and Insights Mobile and Mhealth Social and Online Media New Models of Web Application Development Intranets and Internal Collaboration
Bill Balderaz
President, Fathom Columbus · Fathom
Bill Balderaz, President Fathom Columbus
Marketing Advertising Healthcare Marketing Social Media Healthcare Social Media
Kathleen Iacocca, PhD
Associate Professor of Management & Operations | Villanova School of Business · Villanova University
Kathleen Iacocca, PhD, is an expert on supply chain management, business analytics and optimization, with a focus on healthcare industries.
Pharmaceutical Drug Pricing Business Healthcare Economics and Policy Pharmaceutical Industries Applications in Healthcare
Kristin Baird
CEO · Baird Group
Healthcare's customer service guru who ignites passion for the patient experience.
Patient Experience Customer Service in Healthcare Leadership and the Patient Experience Hcahps
Ann Mirabito, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Marketing · Baylor University
Dr. Ann Mirabito's research focuses on stigma, healthcare service experience, consumer health and workplace wellness.
Stigmas of Mental Illness Stigma Economics Workplace Wellness Health Policy
Chris Houchens
Marketing Raconteur and Writer ·
Marketing expert + author offering a common sense look at the place where marketing, media, and life collide.
Branding Advertising Marketing Sales Media