Katherine Whitaker
Associate Professor of Astronomy · University of Massachusetts Amherst
Kate Whitaker is an observational extragalactic astronomer who studies galaxy formation and evolution at the very edges of the universe.
Detection of Dead Galaxies Galaxy formation and evolution Astronomy
Laura Chomiuk
Astronomer · Michigan State University
Laura Chomiuk is an expert of novae and gamma rays.
Astronomy Supernovae Novae Gamma Rays
Adam Frank
Professor of astrophysics, science commentator, and popular author · University of Rochester
Frank is a leading expert on how stars form and how they die, as well as civilizations before humans
Extraterrestrial Life Space Discoveries Life on Other Planets Civilizations and climate change Theoretical Astrophysics
David Weintraub
Professor of Astronomy; Director of Undergraduate Studies; Director of Program in Communication of Science & Technology · Vanderbilt University
Expert in astrophysics who also writes about extraterrestrial life, human space travel and space colonization.
Space colonization Extraterrestrial life Mars colonization Mars Space travel
Sarah Gallagher
Associate Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy · University of Western Ontario
Professor Gallagher's research focuses on investigating the nature of winds from luminous quasars
University Education Physics Education Space Astronomy Astrophysics Black Holes
David Chuss, PhD
Professor and Chair of Physics · Villanova University
David Chuss, PhD, has worked at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center and studies astronomical polarimetry and magnetic fields.
Astrophysical Magnetic Fields Cosmology Astronomical Polarimetry Galactic Center Star Formation
Keivan Stassun
Stevenson Professor of Physics and Astronomy · Vanderbilt University
Expert in the search for Earth-like planets across the galaxy and an advocate for diversity, including neurodiversity, in the academy.
Star Formation Planet Formation Astronomy Planetary Systems Astronomical Phenomena
James Bullock
Dean, School of Physical Sciences, Professor Physical Sciences, Physics & Astronomy · UC Irvine
James Bullock studies how galaxies and their constituent dark matter halos have formed and evolved over billions of years of cosmic time.
Dark Matter Star Formation Astronomy Galaxy Dynamics Physics
Jonathan Trump, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Physics · University of Connecticut
Jonathan Trump is an observational astronomer who studies active galaxies
Physics and Astronomy Black Holes Supermassive Black Holes Active Galaxies