Raymond Gaddy

Gallery Director, Assistant Professor of Painting & Drawing · Georgia Southern University

Raymond Gaddy's work combines everyday experiences using a variety of different materials linked by threads.

Art History Printmaking Bookbinding Sewing Painting and Drawing

Adam Fung

Associate Professor of Art · Texas Christian University

Adam Fung's art studies issues such as climate change, patterns of nature and the universe.

Art Exhibitions Disappearing Ice Masses Demonstrating the Close Relationship between Art, Music and Science Painting and Drawing

Linda Naiman

Founder & President · Creativity at Work

Design Thinking, Arts in Business, Leadership Development, Creativity and Innovation skills development, Coaching, Training, Facilitating

Creativity Innovation Design Thinking arts based learning Leadership Development

James Kieselburg

Director · Milwaukee School of Engineering

James Kieselburg is an expert in museum collections and exhibition management, sociology of work, photography and the art of industry.

Photography Art of Industry Museum Management and Leadership Sociology of Work Graphic Design

Gary Einloth

Artist & Designer · PiJ PoJ Design (Founder)

As the founder of PiJ PoJ Design, Gary Einloth has seen great success in his artwork and furniture design.

Design Furniture Art & Design Art Sketch/Drawing Input and Recognition

Fr. Luis Proenca

Professor of Production · Loyola Marymount University

Professor of Production Film & Television at Loyola Marymount University

Production and Operations Management Theology Philosophy

Jessica Kinsey

Director and Curator of the Southern Utah Museum of Art · Southern Utah University

Specializing in community outreach and engagement, museum exhibition curation, and collection management

Art as Architecture Experiential Learning - Arts Administration Community Outreach Through Arts K-12 Art Education Fine Art

Kimberly Fenn

Associate Professor of Psychology, Director of the Sleep and Learning Lab · Michigan State University

An expert on the effect of sleep on learning and memory

Sleep Deprivation and Memory Sleep Deprivation Sleep Sleep and Human Performance Fitness and Memory

Russell Keen, EdD

President · Augusta University

Dr. Russell Keen is an administrator with more than 20 years of experience in higher education.

Higher Education Public Relations Partnerships Ethics Leadership

Howie Choset

Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Howie Choset's research reduces complicated high-dimensional problems found in robotics to low-dimensional simpler ones.

Field & Service Robotics Applied Mathematics Robotics and Autonomous Vehicles Computer Science Mechanical Systems

Luigi Rosabianca

Operations Manager · Shield Advisory Group

Owning your own business is attainable, and I can show you how, regardless of experience, education, or the amount of money in the bank.

Brian Moss

Senior Lecturer of Studio Arts, College of Communication and Fine Arts · Loyola Marymount University

Lecturer of Studio Arts

Julia Kryuchkova

Conference Chair · i-Help

ProfsoUX'13 Chair

Usability Conference Design Events Coordination

Walpa D'Mark

Lecturer of Studio Arts · Loyola Marymount University

Lecturer of Studio Arts

Ric Dragon

CEO · DragonSearch Marketing

Exhibiting artist, jazz drummer, speaker, writer, and a search marketing strategist.

Marketing Branding Social Media SEO

Nancy Choe

Assistant Professor · Loyola Marymount University

Assistant Professor of Marital & Family Therapy/Art Therapy

Jan Krulick-Belin

Writer · Retired Art and Jewelry Historian

I currently freelance lecture on the book, and a variety of art history and jewelry history topics.

Fashion and Jewelry Museum Curation Jewelry History Art History Museum Education

Michael Courey

Lecturer of Theological Studies · Loyola Marymount University

In addition to full time ministry as a Greek Orthodox priest, Michael Courey is a lecturer, speaker, visual artist and iconographer.

Greek Orthodox Religion and Spirituality Orthodox Christian Spirituality Ministry Philosophy Religious Studies

Maya Stanfield-Mazzi

Professor · University of Florida

Maya Stanfield-Mazzi is an art historian specializing in art of pre-Columbian and colonial Latin America, especially that of colonial Peru.

Art and History of Ancient and Colonial Latin America Latin American Studies

Paulo Lima

Lecturer of Theatre Arts, College of Communication and Fine Arts · Loyola Marymount University

Lecturer of Theatre Arts