Mia Moody-Ramirez, Ph.D.
Department Chair and Professor · Baylor University
Dr. Moody-Ramirez is a nationally known expert on mass media representations of minorities, women and other underrepresented groups
Race, Class, and Culture Pop Culture New Media Writing for Media Markets Historical Stereotypes in Social Media
Jerusha Conner, PhD
Professor of Education; Program Coordinator, Graduate Education | Department of Education and Counseling · Villanova University
Jerusha Conner, PhD, is an expert on student engagement, student voice, youth activism and education policy.
Student Engagement Student Voice Youth Activism Urban Education Education Policy
Michael Yassa
Professor and Chancellor’s Fellow · UC Irvine
Michael Yassa is interested in how learning and memory mechanisms are altered in aging and neuropsychiatric disease.
Neurobiology and Behavior Aging and Alzheimer's Disease Memory and Disease Memory Neuropsychiatric Disorders
Sylvia Zamora
Associate Professor of Sociology · Loyola Marymount University
Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts
Immigration Comparative Race and Ethnicity Latin America U.S. Latinos
Heather McCauley
Assistant Professor · Michigan State University
Heather McCauley is an expert in the prevention of sexual violence, intimate partner violence, and reproductive coercion.
Sexual Violence Gender and Sexuality Intimate Partner Violence LGBTQ Studies Public Health
Micki McElya, Ph.D.
Professor of History · University of Connecticut
Professor McElya is an expert in the histories of women, gender, sexuality, and race in the U.S., with a focus on politics and memory.
U.S. Cultural and Political History Women & Gender Sexuality & LGBTQ History Feminist Theory Queer Theory
Marie Shanahan
Associate Professor · University of Connecticut
Professor Shanahan is an expert in the intersection of journalism and digital communication technology, online news and digital discourse.
News Literacy Digital Discourse Journalism Local news Media
Jonathan Corpus Ong
Professor of Communication · University of Massachusetts Amherst
Jonathan Corpus Ong's research areas are global media ethics, digital politics and the anthropology of humanitarianism.
Elections in the Philippines Media Ethics Global Media Studies Critical Disinformation Studies Sociology of Activist Organizations
CJ Blennerhassett
Registered Midwife · Association of Nova Scotia Midwives
Registered Midwife and activist with a focus on informed choice, reproductive rights, & the provision of inclusive care for LGBTQ families.
Pregnancy Pregnancy and Abuse Pregnancy and Postpartum Issues pregnancy and sport Pregnancy Loss
Shauna Marshall
The Honorable Raymond L. Sullivan Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law
Contacts: marshall@uchastings.edu / 415-581-8922 / Office 603A-200
Race, Racism and American Law Public Interest Lawyering Rebellious Lawyering
Julia Lee
Professor of English and Graduate Director · Loyola Marymount University
Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts
Rayid Ghani
Distinguished Career Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Rayid Ghani is a reformed computer scientist who wants to increase the use of large-scale Machine Learning in solving large public policy.
Predictive Analytics Machine Learning Ethics Public Policy Information Systems
Adam Frank
Professor of astrophysics, science commentator, and popular author · University of Rochester
Frank is a leading expert on how stars form and how they die, as well as civilizations before humans
Extraterrestrial Life Space Discoveries Life on Other Planets Civilizations and climate change Theoretical Astrophysics
Carlos de la Torre
Professor/Director · University of Florida
Carlos De la Torre is an expert in Latin American populism from a global perspective and in racism and citizenship in the Americas.
Authoritarianism Latin American Studies Global Populism Democratization Racism and Citizenship in the Americas
Preston Jordan Lim, JD
Assistant Professor, Law · Villanova University
Professor Lim focuses on contemporary challenges to the international legal system, with an emphasis on Chinese foreign policy.
Uyghur Forced Labor Prosecution of War Crimes Canada's Relationship with International Law Canadian Foreign Policy Canadian Domestic Politics
Glenn Bracey, PhD
Assistant Professor of Sociology | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University
Glenn Bracey, PhD, is an expert on race and social movements, race and the law and religion in contemporary society.
Religion in Contemporary Society Activism and Social Justice in Sports Race and Religion Race and Politics Race and Law
Allison Kays
Associate Professor in the Practice of Accounting · Emory University, Goizueta Business School
Professor Kays’ loves to teach and discuss accounting, disclosure and tax policy
Financial Reporting Gaap Tax Disclosures Data Analytics Voluntary Disclosures
Massimo Faggioli, PhD
Professor of Theology and Religious Studies | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University
Massimo Faggioli, PhD, is an expert on the history and administrative inner workings of the Catholic Church and of the papacy.
Pope Francis Religion Catholicism and World/European Politics Historical Theology and Ecclesiology American Catholicism
Alan J. Singer
Professor of Teaching, Learning and Technology · Hofstra University
Alan Singer specializes in social studies education and United States history.
Social Studies Education United States History History of Slavery Teaching race. ethnicity and class