Joel Paul
Albert Abramson '54 Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law
Contacts: / 415-565-4638 / Office 312-200
International Economic Law and Policy Presidential Powers in Foreign Affairs International Business Transactions National Security Law Foreign Relations Law
Janni Aragon
Director, Technology Integrated Learning and Interim Director Technology & Society Program · University of Victoria
Janni Aragon has taught courses on American Politics, Political Theory, Gender and Politics, Feminist Theory, and Women's Studies.
Gender and Leadership Gender and Higher Education Cogressional Elections Women and Social Media Teaching and Social Media
Tony Smith
Professor of Political Science and Law · UC Irvine
Tony Smith’s knowledge of politics includes Constitutional Law, the U.S. Supreme Court and election law.
Political Science International Law Legal Institutions US Politics Comparative Law
Michael Vandenbergh
Professor of Law · Vanderbilt University
Expert in environmental law and how private industry can help slow climate change.
Environmental Law Corporate Environmental Behavior Carbon Emissions Organizational Culture Climate Change Research
Alice Ba
Associate Chair and Professor, International Relations and Comparative Politics · University of Delaware
Prof. Ba researches US-China-Southeast Asia relations; institutional cooperation/competition in Asia; and regionalism.
International Relations of East and Southeast Asia ASEAN Southeast Asian Politics Chinese Foreign Policy & Relations International Relations
Elaine Dewar
Freelance Journalist · Dewar Productions Inc.
Elaine Dewar aspires to be a happy warrior for the public good.
Journalism Public Speaking Storytelling Marketing Strategy Entrepreneurship
Kara Santokie
Director · Toronto Women's City Alliance
Kara Santokie, PhD, does policy analysis and works to increase civic engagement among women in Toronto.
International Relations Human Rights International Development Project Management Policy Analysis
Eliot Pence
Director · The Whitaker Group
Creating conditions for sustainable prosperity in Africa is the focus of The Whitaker Group's Director, and a Global Governance Fellow
International Relations U.S. Public Policy Towards Africa Business Development in Africa Global Energy Governance International Trade & Development
Samantha Bradshaw
Doctor of Philosophy Candidate · Oxford Internet Institute
Samantha Bradshaw is a D. Phil. candidate at the Oxford Internet Institute, working on the Computational Propaganda project.
Government Internet Governance Cyber Security Social Media and Democracy Computational Propaganda
Heidi Tworek
Assistant Professor of History · University of British Columbia
Professor Tworek's current research focuses on communications, international organizations, history, and transatlantic relations.
News and Media International Relations International Organizations Legal History Germany and Europe
Rasmus Goksor
Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer · BISON Alternatives
Pitching industry-leading cleantech business solutions and technologies to your audience, you can raise your glass to a successful event
Entrepreneurship Private Law Theory Non-State Law European Integration American Federalism
Heidi Hardt
Associate Professor of Political Science · UC Irvine
Hardt is an expert on NATO, international organizations, defense, security, military ops and gender.
Defense Organizational Change Military Operations US Foreign Policy International Organizations
Surupa Gupta
Professor of Political Science and International Affairs · University of Mary Washington
Dr. Gupta is an expert on Indian politics and economics, international political economy, gender and development, and South Asian politics.
Indian Politics and Economics International Political Economy Politics of Economic Development South Asian Politics Global Economic Governance