Jason Brooks

C.E.O., Consultant · Maven Consulting Group Inc.

Peak performance coach and strategist. Helping people create sustainable behavioural change to optimize performance and wellbeing

Performance Coaching Executive Coaching and Consulting Stress Management Stress Inoculation Training Visualization and Mental Rehearsal

David Kenney

Psychologist · Kid-Epics

David J. Kenney is a noted speaker having presented to parent and professional groups at colleges, universities and educational in-services.

Healing Childhood Trauma Raising Successful Children Understanding Behavior as Language Raising Your Child's Emotional Intelligence Stress Management

Jodi Caldwell

Executive Director, Counseling Center · Georgia Southern University

Jodi K. Caldwell is the Executive Director Sexual Assault Response Team Chair and Regent's Advisor Council of the Counseling Center.

Professional Development Women's Health Issues Psychology Counseling Multiculturalism

Treena Wynes

Wellness Warrior · Food4Thought

Wellness Warrior, Counsellor & Author

Eating Disorders Self-Esteem Stress Management Mental Health Health and Wellness

Suzanne Toro

Owner · OmToro, LLC

Inner Wellness Teacher, Advocate for Global Change, Visionary & Strategist

Female Empowerment Inner Wellnes & Meditation Self Awareness Food Alchemy Creative Visionary

Abigail Larson

Professor of Kinesiology · Southern Utah University

Specializing in bioenergetics and sports nutrition, advanced exercise prescription, and cardiovascular disease

Sport Rock Climbing Bioactivity Bioenergetics and Sports Nutrition Advanced Exercise Prescription Sports Conditioning

Lou Russell

CEO / Queen / Learning Facilitator · Russell Martin & Associates

As a sought-after international speaker to leaders, Lou blends her humorous stories with her engaging on-the-ground experience to customize

Project Management for Scalability Eq for Project Decision Making Success Leading Unruly Project Teams Focused Performance

Camille Thomas

Assistant Provost and Professor of Kinesiology · Southern Utah University

Specializing in coaching psychology, exercise prescription and the pathophysiology of cancer, cardiovascular disease, stroke, and diabetes.

Weight Management Exercise Science Plyometric Training Biomechanics of Exercise Methods of Sports Conditioning and Nutrition

Donna Lister

Professor of nursing/Advanced Practice Registered Nurse · Southern Utah University

Specializing in nursing education and educational processes, rural health and current issues in nursing and health care.

Leadership Teaching and Learning Nursing and Health Care Long Term Health Care Historical Evolution of Nursing

Kathy Archer

Leadership Development Coach · Silver River Coaching

Growing Courage & Confidence in Women Leaders

Women's Leadership Confidence and Courage Courage Building Workshops Confidence Building Work-Life

Mark DeBeliso

Professor of Kinesiology · Southern Utah University

Focuses on sports medicine and athletic performance and the physiological effects of exercise

Sport Science Research Common Injuries in Athletics Stress Reduction for University Students College Sports Medicine Human Performance

Klaus Ley, MD

Founding Director · Immunology Center of Georgia

Klaus Ley is exploring the role our immune response plays in atherosclerosis and other autoimmune diseases.

T lymphocytes Immunology Vaccines atherosclerosis Integrins

Michelle Grimes

Associate Professor of Child Clinical Psychology · Southern Utah University

A licensed psychologist specializing in clinical child psychology, principles of phycological assessment, and sibling conflict resolution

ADHD Acceptance and Committment Therapy (Act) Anxiety Behavior Disorders in Children Behavioral Health

Bryan Koenig

Associate Professor of Psychology · Southern Utah University

Specializing in social and evolutionary psychology

Social Relationships Statistics Social Psychology Research Methods Moral Psychology

Holly Schiffrin

Professor · University of Mary Washington

Dr. Schiffrin is an internationally known expert on intensive and helicopter parenting.

Emerging Adulthood Helicopter Parenting Positive Psychology Infant and Child Development Intensive Parenting

Susan A. Leys M.Ed.

Clinical Navigator - Patient Experience · University Healthcare: Jefferson Medical Center

Healthcare Consulting, Coaching and Debriefing at http://www.MDRN.Consulting

Healthcare Hospitals Stress and Stress Management Communicating Effectively Team Building & Leadership

Claire Wheeler

Instructor · Portland State University

Experienced, energetic speaker who builds organizational success through the well-being of its members

Stress Management Optimal Performance Weight Management

Kelly Hadous

Host · Win The Room Radio

host and speaker at TEDx Silicon Alley

Public Speaking Pitching Stress Management

Sophie Skover

Author . Coach . Speaker · LSS Harmony Coaching

Turning Obstacles into Opportunities

Ending Bad Food Habits Stress Management Organizational Management Holistic Wellbeing Work/Life Balance

Artie Isaac

teacher, trainer, speaker · Artie Isaac

Engaging speaker and trainer on creativity and collaboration

Creativity Stress Management Ethics