Crystal Park, Ph.D.

Professor of Psychology · University of Connecticut

Professor of Clinical Psychology, University of Connecticut

Meaning Making Psychology of Religiousness and Spirituality Stress, Trauma and Coping Yoga Research Cancer Survivorship

Caitlin Elsaesser, Ph.D.

Associate Professor · University of Connecticut

Dr. Elsaesser partners with communities to create health promotion efforts that are empowering, with a focus on youth violence prevention.

Technology and Interpersonal Violence Youth Violence Gun Violence Prevention Research Methodology Child and Adolescent Development

Patrick Markey, PhD

Professor of Psychological and Brain Sciences | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University

Patrick Markey, PhD, is an expert on how violent video games affect behavior and relationship issues.

Video Games Violent Video Games Online Interactions Body Image Romantic Relationships

Donghee Yvette Wohn

Associate Professor · New Jersey Institute of Technology

Dr. Wohn studies the role of algorithms and social interactions in livestreaming, esports, gaming and social media.

Online fandom content moderation Algorithm and Society eSports Social Media

Evangelyn Alocilja

Associate Professor · Michigan State University

Evangelyn Alocilja is an expert in sensors and nano-biosensor devices for biodefense, health diagnostics and therapeutics.

Bio-inspired Nanostructures Tamper-Evidency Food/Water Safety Biosecurity Healthcare Diagnostics

Eva Buckner

Assistant Professor/State Extension Specialist · University of Florida

Eva Buckner researches mosquitoes and mosquito control efforts.

Mosquito Control Programs Mosquito-Borne Viruses Human Health Mosquitos Pesticides

Jonathan Thon

Founder & CEO · STRM.BIO

Jonathan Thon is an accomplished serial biotech entrepreneur, a recognized leader in human cell culture, and the founder of STRM.BIO.

Clinical Research Life Sciences Education Stem Cell Biology Human Cell Culture

Becky Bloom

Assistant Director of Curatorial Affairs · Southern Utah University

Specializing in Art History, Tibetan Buddhism, Buddhist material culture, and issues surrounding the intersection of religion and museums.

Tibetan Buddhism Modern & Classic Tibetan History of Art Non-Western Art Museum Curation

Alison Barth

Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Alison Barth's work focuses on understanding how experience transforms the properties of neurons to encode memory.

Research Design Neural Plasticity Biophysics Neuroscience

Professor Robert Chilcott

Professor of Toxicology · University of Hertfordshire

His research into chemical exposure has informed policy guidance for emergency response teams in the event of chemical attack.

Counter Terrorism Burns Toxic Chemicals Toxicology Poisons

Eric Lorentzen

Professor of English · University of Mary Washington

Dr. Lorentzen is an expert on Charles Dickens and 19th-century British literature.

English Literature Literacy and Education Victorian Literature British Literature Since 1800 University Teaching

Xiuchun (Cindy) Tian, Ph.D.

Interim Department Head and Professor · University of Connecticut

Professor Tian is an expert in animal biotechnology.

Pluripotent Stem Cells Nuclear Reprogramming by Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer Genetic Engineering in Farm Animals Assisted Reproductive Technologies Pre-Implantation Embryo Development

Martha Terris, MD

Witherington Distinguished Chair, Urology · Georgia Cancer Center at Augusta University

Dr. Terris specializes in urologic cancers, including prostate cancer, kidney cancer, adrenal masses, bladder cancer and testicular cancer.

Oncology Cancer Prostate Cancer Kidney Cancer Bladder Cancer

Sean Ahrens

Co-founder, Designer, Developer · Crohnology

Patient, Entrepreneur, Software Designer & Developer

Patient-Centered Health Quantied Self Self Tracking Entrepreneurship Patient Communities

George Kuchel, M.D., F.R.C.P.

Professor of Medicine, Travelers Chair in Geriatrics and Gerontology · University of Connecticut

Improving health and independence in older adults through multidisciplinary team science

Mobility and Frailty Voiding Issues and Urinary Incontinence Geroscience Geriatric Medicine Aging

Ming Hsu

William Halford Professor | Haas School of Business & Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute · University of California, Berkeley

Leading expert in neuromarketing and the application of biological methods to understand consumer behavior

Consumer Neuroscience Neuroeconomics Behavioral Economics Neuromarketing

Brian Byrd

Professor · Western Carolina University

Brian Byrd's research focuses on domestic mosquito‐borne diseases, specifically La Crosse encephalitis.

Global Health Medical Entomology Epidemiology

Thomas Schwartz

Distinguished Professor of History · Vanderbilt University

Historian of U.S. foreign policy, international relations and U.S. presidencies.

Henry Kissinger American Foreign Relations Modern European History International Relations History of U.S. Foreign Policy

Samantha Bradshaw

Doctor of Philosophy Candidate · Oxford Internet Institute

Samantha Bradshaw is a D. Phil. candidate at the Oxford Internet Institute, working on the Computational Propaganda project.

Government Internet Governance Cyber Security Social Media and Democracy Computational Propaganda

Mical Raz

Charles E. and Dale L. Phelps Professor in Public Policy and Health · University of Rochester

Author of "What's Wrong with the Poor? Psychiatry, Race and the War on Poverty."

Foster Care and Adoptions Child Welfare Psychiatry Education Policy Race Culture and Ethnicity