Amanda Paluch

Assistant Professor of Kinesiology · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Amanda Paluch is a physical activity epidemiologist and kinesiologist with a focus on advancing the measurement of physical activity.

Step Tracking Physical Activity Wearables Physical Behavior Measurement Chronic Disease Prevention

Jay Urbain, Ph.D.

Adjunct Professor · Milwaukee School of Engineering

Dr. Jay Urbain is an expert in machine learning, data science, and high-performance database systems.

Artificial Intelligence Computer Science Data Science Database Systems Mobile Computing

Phil Poekert

Professor/Director · University of Florida

Phil Poekert leads the Lastinger Center for Learning to educational innovations through partnerships, research, development, and advocacy.

Policy Advocacy Educational Innovations Teacher Education Professional Learning and Development Teacher Leadership

Kristy Towry

John M. & Lucy Cook Chaired Professor of Accounting · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Managerial Accounting Internal Audit Behavioral Economics

Sijun Wang, Ph.D.

Professor of Marketing, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University

Cross-Cultural Studies Relationship Marketing Service Marketing

Allan Steigleman

Associate Professor/M.D. · University of Florida

Dr. Allan Steigleman spent 25+ years in the Navy as an ophthalmologist. Now, he expands his academic pursuits in ophthalmic conditions.

Ophthalmology Keratoconus Corneal Transplant Corneal Infections Refractive surgery

Marjorie Och

Professor, Art and Art History · University of Mary Washington

Professor of Art and Art History, Specialization in Baroque and Renaissance Artists

Renaissance Art Baroque Art Art Patronage 16th Century Art 17th Century Art

Rebecca Pearl

Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Rebecca Pearl conducts research on health and appearance-based stigma, body image, eating disorders and obesity.

Stigma Eating Disorders Body Image Obesity

Anita Anantharam

Associate Professor · University of Florida

Anita Anantharam’s research interests include leadership, environment, political economy, and South Asian history.

Women and Leadership Food Women and Business Inclusion Diversity

Rebecca Johnson

Professor, Faculty of Law · University of Victoria

Rebecca Johnson is a pioneer in Canadian law-and-film scholarship.

Intercultural Communication Indigenous Affairs Sexuality and the Law Same-sex Couples Colonialism

Bradley Sandella, DO

Physician Lead Medical Subspecialty Service Line · ChristianaCare

Dr. Bradley Sandella is a practicing physician and director of sports medicine at ChristianaCare.

Osteoporosis Musculoskeletal Injuries Family Medicine Sports Medicine Bone Health

John T. Harvey

Professor · Texas Christian University

Dr. Harvey's research focuses on exchange rates, business cycles, and contemporary economic schools of thought.

Contemporary Economic Schools of Thought Macroeconomics Exchange Rates Business Cycles

Robert Kazanjian

Asa Griggs Candler Professor of Organization & Management · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Growth and Development of Technology-Based New Ventures Management of Innovation in Large Complex Organizations Strategy Implementation and Large Scale Strategic Change

Michelle Grimes

Associate Professor of Child Clinical Psychology · Southern Utah University

A licensed psychologist specializing in clinical child psychology, principles of phycological assessment, and sibling conflict resolution

ADHD Acceptance and Committment Therapy (Act) Anxiety Behavior Disorders in Children Behavioral Health

Candi Cann, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Baylor Interdisciplinary Core and Religion · Baylor University

Expert on death, dying and grief, diversity in death and the intersection of death and technology around the world

Death and Dying Digital Death Digital Afterlife Death and Diversity Modern Mourning Practices

Robert A. Strangeway, Ph.D.

Professor · Milwaukee School of Engineering

Dr. Robert A. Strangeway is an expert in electrical engineering, microwaves and electron paramagnetic resonance bridges.

Electrical Engineering Microwaves Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Bridges

Erica Scharrer

Professor of Communication · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Erica Scharrer is an expert in the study of media content, opinions of media, media effects and media literacy.

Media and Children Media Literacy Media Effects Opinions of Media Media Content

Professor Jamie Morgan

Professor · Leeds Beckett

Jamie Morgan lectures in the Subject Area of Economics, Analytics and International Business.

Economics Analytics International Business

Lawrence A. Tritle

Professor Emeritus of History · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Comparative War and Violence Vietnam War Impact of Violence On Culture and Society Greek and Roman History Study of War and Violence

Dr Daniel Kilvington

Course Director and Reader · Leeds Beckett University

Dr Daniel Kilvington's teaching and research specialism explores 'race', sport and new media.

Race Ethnicity Racism Anti-Racism Discrimination