Dana Cupkova

Associate Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Dana Cupkova is a co-founder and design director of EPIPHYTE Lab, an architectural design and research collaborative.

Advanced Manufacturing Architecture Energy Sustainability Computational Design

Joshua Bard

Associate Professor and Associate Head · Carnegie Mellon University

Joshua Bard is an architectural educator conducting applied research at the intersection of construction culture and robotic technology.

Architectural Robotics Robotic Technology Computational Methods Sustainable Architecture Design

Eric Corey Freed

Founding Principal · OrganicARCHITECT

Green architect, author and visionary

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) ESG Investment Strategies Green Buildings Green Architect Carbon

Adam Livingston, Ph.D.

Associate Professor · Milwaukee School of Engineering

Dr. Adam Livingston is an expert in image processing; AISC design for video enhancement; and big data machine learning.

Image Processing Embedded Systems Computer Engineering Higher Education Internet of Things

Peter Christensen

Arthur Satz Professor of the Humanities and Professor of Art History · University of Rochester

Peter Christensen's specialization is modern architectural and environmental history of Germany, Central Europe and the Middle East.

Architectural design theory and history Critical Digital Humanities Historicism 19th Century Architectural History 20th Century Architectural History

Stephen Lee

Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Stephen Lee focuses on issues of systems integration, material innovation, renewable energy and the integrated design process.

Architecture Renewable Energy Systems Integration Material Innovation Integrated Design Process

Kai Gutschow

Associate Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Kai Gutschow’s primary field of research has been the complex and controversial history of modern German architectural culture.

Expressionism Architectural Criticism Ethics Modern German Architecture Art and Science

Dak Kopec

Professor · UNLV

Author, Editor, Architectural Psychologist, and Professor

Interior Design and Psychology Enhancing Children's Development With Design

Dennis Shelden

Director, Center for Architecture Science and Ecology (CASE) · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Co-Director of the Institute for Energy, the Built Environment, and Smart Systems (EBESS) and leading expert on dynamic building systems.

Cloud Based Building Systems Generative Modelling Built Environments Smart Systems Open Data Over the Web

Michael Volk

Research Associate Professor · University of Florida

Michael Volk’s work is focused on a variety of topics related to climate change and resilient design.

Regional Conservation Planning Adaptive Planning and Design Landscape Architecture Adaptive Conservation Cultural Landscapes

Azadeh Sawyer

Assistant Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Azadeh Omidfar Sawyer's interdisciplinary research focuses on quantitative and qualitative methods to evaluate building envelopes.

Green Design Building Envelope Design Quality Virtual Reality Immersive Visualization Systems

Judi Shade Monk

Instructional Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Judi Shade Monk leverages over two decades of cross-disciplinary architectural practice in her collaborative, policy, and research efforts.

Qualitative Design Material Evaluation Design Communication Design Thinking Color Theory and Relativity

Garth Holloway

Director · Sixfootfour

Leading edge speaker in business management

Improving Business Performance Understanding the Business Architecture Practical Business Process Reengineering Business Transformation Change Management

Chris McNulty

SharePoint Strategic Product Manager · Quest Software

Microsoft SharePoint product management, solution architect, speaker, author on Sharepoint, SQL, EPM, with Quest Software

Sharepoint Microsoft Business Intelligence (Sql) Microsoft Enterprise Project Management (Project Server)

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson

Professor of Psychology · University of Toronto

You can forget the trail of breadcrumbs on this journey since you're going to a place where the cream of the real you shines through!

The Psychology of Personality Intelligence Behavioral and Brain Sciences Cognitive Psychology Neuropsychology

Erica Cochran Hameen

Assistant Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Erica Cochran Hameen's architectural experience includes over 50 educational, media and broadcast, community, and transportation facilities.

Building Performance & Diagnostics Sustainability Energy Ethics Sustainable Design

Christine Henry

Assistant Professor · University of Mary Washington

Professor Henry is an expert on historic preservation, currently focusing on the history of Fredericksburg, VA.

Vernacular Architecture Historic Preservation Architectural History Urban Planning Architecture

Alexandros Tsamis

Assistant Professor, School of Architecture; Graduate Program Director; Associate Director, Center for Architecture, Science, and Ecology (CASE) · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Architect focused on composite materials, building energy systems and advanced manufacturing technologies for the built environment.

Manufacturing Technologies for the Built Environment Tectonics Composite Materials Ecology Material and Energy-based Computational Design

Supriyo Bandyopadhyay, Ph.D.

Commonwealth Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering · VCU College of Engineering

Professor Bandyopadhyay has authored and co-authored over 400 research publications

Self-assembly of Regimented Nanostructure Arrays Spintronics Quantum Devices Hot Carrier Transport in Nanostructures Nanoelectronics

Martha Kohen

Professor/Director · University of Florida

Martha Kohen is an expert in sustainability in built environment resilience, smart buildings/cities and sustainable architecture and design.

Latin American Studies Storm Preparation Coastal Erosion Urban Design Sea Level Rise