Eric Freedman

Knight Center for Environmental Journalism Chair and Professor · Michigan State University

Eric Freedman teaches environmental journalism and serves as director of the Knight Center for Environmental Journalism.

Public Affairs Journalism Practices Press Systems Environmental Journalism

Dr. Frances Westley

JW McConnell Chair in Social Innovation, University of Waterloo · Social Innovation Generation

Putting the SOCIAL in change is the JW McConnell Chair in Social Innovation at SiG@Waterloo, which builds capacity for social innovation

Sustainable Development Social Innovation Social Finance Engagement and Social Change Social Innovation and Resilience

Dave Owen

Harry Sunderland '61 Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contacts: / 415-703-8285 / Office 368-200

Environmental Law Natural Resources Law Water Law Administrative Law Water Resource Management

John Leshy

Emeritus Harry D. Sunderland Distinguished Professor of Real Property Law · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contacts: / 415-565-4726 / Office 382-200

Real Property Law State and Federal Constitutional Law Natural Resources Law Public Land Law Water Law

Justina Ray

President and Senior Scientist · Wildlife Conservation Society Canada

Justina Ray's research is focused on evaluating the role of shifting landscapes in biodiversity decline and/or change in forested ecosystems

Conservation Planning Forested Ecosystems Biodiversity Wildlife Ecology Wildlife Conservation

F.E. "Jack" Putz

Distinguished Professor · University of Florida

Frances "Jack" Putz applies science to real-world problems related to ecosystem management and conservation.

Plant Ecology Indonesian Consevation Issue Economic Botany Applied Ecology Florida Natural History

Brian E. Gray

Emeritus Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contact: 415.565.4719 /

Property Rights and the Constitution Public Lands and Natural Resources Management Environmental Law Water Resources Management Endangered Species

Sheila Colla

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Environmental Studies · York University

Dr. Colla is an interdisciplinary Conservation Biologist interested in pollinator conservation and evidence-based policy.

Conservation Biology Pollination Ecology Environmental Policy Wildlife Management

Stanley Griffis

Donald J. Bowersox and Robert W. Thull Professor in Logistics and Supply Chain Management · Michigan State University

Professor Griffis' primary teaching interests include logistics and supply chain management.

Risk and Resilience Sustainability Logistics

Donna Wear, PhD

Professor · Augusta University

Professor Wear studies watershed ecology

Ecology Urban Ecology Conservation Issues Endangered Species Animal Behavior

Henry Campa

Professor of Wildlife Ecology · Michigan State University

An expert in wildlife and wildlife habitat, especially Michigan species like white-tailed deer, moose and eastern massasauga rattlesnakes.

Ecosystem Management Wildlife nutrition Wildlife habitat analysis and management Habitat disturbance impacts

Magnus Egerstedt

Stacey Nicholas Dean of Engineering · UC Irvine

Magnus Egerstedt is a leading research on control theory, complex networks and robotics.

Multi-system robots Mobile Sensor Networks Complex networks (e.g., optimization and control, resource sharing, dimension reduction) Control Theory Robotics

Russell Burke

Professor of Biology · Hofstra University

Dr. Burke's current research involves diamondback terrapins at Jamaica Bay, wood turtles in northern NJ and the coyote invasion of LI

Urban Ecosystems Urban Environments Suburban Spaces and Development Ecology Evolution

Sean Mulholland

Professor · Western Carolina University

Sean Mulholland research interests include human capital and economic growth, white supremacist groups and hate crimes.

Drunk Driving Hate Crimes Economic Growth White Supremacist Groups Student Performance

Jianguo Liu

University Distinguished Professor in Fisheries and Wildlife · Michigan State University

An expert in conservation ecology and the human impact on the environment and on endangered species

Sustainability Fisheries and Wildlife Biodiversity

David Favre

Professor of law and The Nancy Heathcote Professor of Property and Animal Law · Michigan State University

An expert in animal within property, family and criminal law, as well as wildlife and international animal issues.

International Animal Issues Animal Ethics Animal Rights Animal Welfare Animal Cruelty

Lissa Leege

Professor & Center for Sustainability Director · Georgia Southern University

Lissa Leege's research focuses on plant conservation ecology, plant population and community ecology and threats to biodiversity.

Biology of Plants Principles of Biology Environmental Biology Issues in Sustainability